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Writer's pictureHardway Residents Action Group

A Day to Remember - 6 June 2019

The sun was shining and the Hardway and Gosport community came together to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of D Day at Hardway Memorial Green, expressing our thanks to those who took part in D-Day on 6th June 1944.

We were delighted that so many people were able to attend the commemoration, thanks to each and everyone of you.

Thank you also everyone who contributed to this memorable day, from planning the event, decorating homes with bunting and flags, setting up the Green, baking cakes, singing, making tea and working together as a community to make this day possible.

Finally we'd like to express our special thanks to Councillor Jamie Hutchison, Hardway Sailing Club and it's members and The Gosportarians who were all instrumental in planning and hosting this fantastic day.

If you came along, we hope this was a memorable day for you.

If you were unable to join us you may enjoy this video of the day.

Hardway D Day Memorial Service 6/6/19 featuring the St John's and Elson school choirs, courtesy of Malcolm Dent (The Gosportarians)

A professional photographer captured the day and photographs are available to buy direct from CJR - Photography

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